Thursday, May 17, 2007

Change Engine Oil

Today I'm sending my proton waja for service to change the engine oil. I been advised by my mechanic at my uptown to change the engine oil for every 5,000 kilometers. So for me the mechanics is expert, I have to follow his advise.

Engine oil is very important to our car and we need to change the engine oil according to the millage. If not you car engine may stuck and that will cause a lot of dollars. Changing engine oil not cost you much. It's depends on what type of engine oil you use, there are mineral engine oil, semi synthetic or fully synthetic. The later one is more expensive.

One's your service your car, make sure ask the mechanic to check also the battery water, air filter and any other thing that you feel that disturbing your peaceful driving. This may be your brake system and your brake light and car signal.

It is important to check these thing, if not it can cause you deep problem while driving.

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