Saturday, June 13, 2009

My Proton Waja Stuck Again

Today, 13 Jun 2009 my proton waja stuck again while I travelling from KL to Kota Bharu. It happen went I stop at Petronas Petrol station at Felda Kechau for a short rest. I stop the car, turn off the car and I went to the rest room.

After I came back and try to start the car, it cannot be started.I asked for mechanic nearby, if it is battery faulty, afther he check, the battery is ok but the car cannot start. When this thing happened, I suspect it was due to the Car Stater in which it's flyweel not work and it also because of clucth and a gearbox.

Because unexpected things, I have stranded at the Petronas Felda Kechau. Thus I have to use a toll truck nearby to tow my car to the nearest workshop which is at Lot 1433, Miles 16, Jalan Pagar Sasak, 27100 Padang Tengku, Kuala Lipis Pahang Tel 09-3291137 and Fax 09-3291563.

At this moment, I don't know how much it will cost me !...Oh Proton Waja...

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Funny Thing About Synthetic Oil

by: Dirk Gibson

Synthetic oil has been touted as the cure all for engine wear. While there is little doubt that such oil provides strong benefits, are all the marketing claims to be believed? The answer is fairly surprising.

The idea of creating synthetic petroleum products was first pursued to a successful end by a surprising group – the Nazis. Germany was involved in a small war you’ve probably heard about from the late 1930s on. The country had deficient oil supplies and sought out alternatives. By 1944, they were producing huge swaths of synthetic fuel. During this process, Dr. Hermann Zorn started doing research on synthetic lubricants that didn’t gum up. This research led to the evolution of synthetic oil as a commercial product.

In the late 1960s, Chevron launched the first synthetic oil on the consumer market. Amsoil and Mobile soon followed. The great synthetic oil movement had begun. At the time, the synthetics were clearly much better at lubricating against friction in engines. This fact soon became standard lore when discussing oils, much like the idea that you should change your oil every 3,000 miles.

The question today is whether synthetic oils are still better for your engine than standard oil, which is known as mineral oil. Surprisingly, the answer is not entirely clear. The quality of synthetic oils has not gone down over time. Instead, the quality of mineral oil products has gone up. This seems a bit odd from a business perspective. Simply put, why would a company “close the gap” on two of its products? Whatever the reason, it is clear that synthetic oil now provides minimal benefits compared to mineral oil for most cars.

The originator of this idea was Consumer Reports. It did a study comparing oils and found there was no discernable difference in wear rates between the two oils so long as the recommended oil change schedule was followed. The study received a lot of criticism regarding the testing parameters. Even if valid, the criticism doesn’t change the fact the gap between synthetic and standard oil has been closed dramatically.

So, should you save money and go with standard oil over synthetic? Well, first check your owner’s manual to see what is called for. If synthetic is not required, you probably don’t need it unless you live in an extreme temperature like Phoenix in the summer or Minneapolis in the winter.

About The Author

Dirk Gibson is with - find high performance auto parts and accessories for your car or truck.